Minebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.(the "Company") shall implement the following measures with regard to the personal information protection.
1. The Company shall recognize the importance of personal information protection and comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the "APPI"), applicable laws, ordinances and other regulations regarding personal information protection and manage such personal information in an appropriate manner.
2. The Company shall define the purpose of use of personal information that it has obtained. The Company shall not use the acquired personal information outside the scope of the defined purpose. After the defined purpose of use of such personal information has been met, the Company shall delete the information certainly and appropriately.
3. When the Company outsources handling of the personal information acquired by the Company (the acquired personal information), it shall fully examine the qualifications of the outsourcee and provide instructions and exercise supervision to ensure proper personal information management by imposing the outsourcee the legal obligations regarding non-disclosure of confidential personal information, safety management and prohibition of re-entrustment contractually.
4. The Company shall not provide the acquired personal information to a third party without consent of the individual concerned except in cases stipulated by applicable laws and ordinances or justified by good reason.
5. The Company shall establish and maintain adequate security measures for the personal information protection so that unauthorized access to the acquired personal information, leakage to the outside, loss, alteration, destruction or misuse, etc. of such does not occur in any way.
6. The Company shall disseminate its personal information protection policy to all officers, employees, contracted workers and temporary workers that are engaged in the Company's businesses and provide adequate education to them all on an as-needed basis.
7. The Company shall conduct regular checks of its handling of personal information management system and other operations and documents including manuals and shall continuously review and improve these aspects of its business.
8. The Company will respond to your comments and inquiries on the handling of personal information appropriately. Please make a contact with us through the contact detailed as follows for all inquiries on the handling of personal information, management and request for the disclosure of such information, etc.
Contact: Minebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. H.R. Department
Telephone: +855-23-729-371 (main telephone number)
Hours: 9:00 ~ 17:00 (Excluding holidays of the Company)
June 4, 2019
Handling of Personal Information
Minebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. (the "Company") shall use the personal information acquired by the Company (the acquired personal information) in an appropriate manner.
Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The Company shall handle the acquired personal information within the purpose of use as detailed below.
1. Provision of information and services to shareholders and investors
2. Administrative work for the management of shareholders and work related to stocks
3. Provision of information and services regarding the manufacture, sales, etc. of the Company's products, goods and procurement of materials, etc. to its customers and business counterparts
4. Supports provided for mailing greeting cards such as New Year's cards to its customers and business counterparts, delivering them via e-mails or responding to inquires from them
5. Provision of personal information to third parties based on a variety of contracts and agreements
6. Research necessary for promotion and improvement of public relations, investor relations and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities
7. Provision of information to applicants in recruiting and making contacts with them as well as using in the selection process
8. Work related to personnel management and appropriate and smooth administrative work
9. Other purposes that have been agreed by the relevant parties in advance
The Company outsources some of its business activities to outside contractors, and in such cases, the Company may provide personal information to them to the extent necessary for outsourcing. The Company enters into the agreement with such contractors with regard to the management and proper handling of acquired personal information in accordance with the safety standards provided for by the Company as well as relevant laws and ordinances.
Limitation of purpose of use and that of provision to a third party
The Company shall not handle personal information or provide such information to a third party beyond the necessity to fulfill the purpose of use without consent from the person in question or beyond defined purposes stipulated or notified to such person.
However, the following cases are exceptions to such standards.
1. Cases in which the provision of personal information is based on relevant laws and ordinances
2. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of an individual and in which it difficult to obtain the consent of the person
3. Cases in which the provision of personal information in specially necessary for improving public hygiene or promoting the sound growth of children and in which it difficult to obtain the consent of the person
4. Cases in which the provision of personal information is necessary for cooperating with a state institution, a local public body, or an individual or entity entrusted by one in executing the operations prescribed by laws and ordinances in which obtaining the consent of the person might impede the execution of the operations concerned.
5. Cases in which the opt-out clause with regard to the provision to a third party has been applied in accordance with the provisions of the APPI (an issue related to Paragraph 2, Article 23 of the APPI)
However, the following cases are not considered as provision to a third party in relation to a recipient of personal information.
1) In the case where all or part of the handling of personal information is entrusted, when the personal information concerned is handled within the scope of the fulfillment of the purpose of use
2) In the case where personal information is provided with the succession of business due to mergers and acquisitions
3) In the case where all or part of the handling of personal information is entrusted, when the person is notified the fact of joint use, items of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of joint use of a joint user and a name of a person or organization responsible for management of the relevant personal information, or put the person in a readily accessible condition for the person
Provision of personal information to a third party
The Company may provide personal information to a third party in accordance with related laws of the APPI.
Please be advised that the Company shall respond promptly to the request when the person concerned specifically requests the Company to stop the provision of his/her personal information to third parties.
Items to be provided: Regarding the personal information of officers, employees, etc. of the Company, contact details such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.
Means of provision: Delivery and acceptance of documents, electromagnetic data, etc.
Purpose of use by a third party: Used for the provision of services of respective business units
Responsible person in case of provision to a third party: Vice president of the Company
Joint use of personal information
The Company may use jointly with other MinebeaMitsumi Group companies personal information obtained by each of the MinebeaMitsumi Group companies within the scope of the purpose of use of such information.
Items of personal information for joint use: Regarding the personal information of officers, employees, etc. of each MinebeaMitsumi Group company, all items including such contact details, etc. as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc. that are disclosed within each group company
Scope of Joint Users: Each MinebeaMitsumi Group company ("Joint User")
Purpose of use of Joint Users: Human resources management and business correspondence among seconded and support personnel dispatched
Responsible person in charge of personal information management for shared use: Vice president of the Company
Items or personal information for joint use: Regarding the personal information of officers, employees, etc. of each group company, necessary items for the fulfillment of purposes described below
Scope of Joint Users: Each MinebeaMitsumi Group company, a company with which a group company enter into a secondment agreement, each heath insurance company, an institution to handle benefits package, each labor union
Purpose of use of Joint Users: Aiming at improving the services necessary to support human resources management, benefit package and other business matters within the scope of purpose of use at the time of acquiring personal information
Responsible person in charge of personal information management for joint use: Vice president of the Company
Procedures for the notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. regarding personal information
Regarding the procedures for the notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. regarding personal information, please make a contact with us through the contact details below. We will send an application form and procedural documents to you.
Contact: ROYAL GROUP PHNOM PENH SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE, National Road No. 4, Sangkat Khantouk, Sangkat Phleung Chheh Roteh, Sangkat Beung Thom, Khan Kambol, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Minebea (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. H.R. Department.
Hours: 9:00 ~ 17:00(Excluding holidays of the Company)
The application form filled with necessary information and the identification document specified by the Company are required to be submitted for application.
In the case of an application by proxy, the identification documents of the proxy is required as well.
The Company will respond after confirming the presented documents and identification. In case that the Company cannot accept your application, it will inform you of the reason without delay.
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